StudentBridge Case Studies
See why 500+ colleges and universities trust StudentBridge to help them achieve more.

University of Jamestown
Learn how University of Jamestown appeals to stealth visitors and drives enrollment by using video storytelling and immersive digital experiences.

Illinois College
Learn how Illinois College drives enrollment by celebrating accepted students and engaging them throughout the decision-making process.

West Virginia University
Learn how West Virginia University ensures relevant tours for everyone, every time with 24/7 access, true personalization, and a memorable visit experience from anywhere.

Augsburg University
Learn how Augsburg University drives enrollment by making it easy for prospective students to explore the institution online with an experience that’s almost as good as being there in person.

Arizona State University
Learn how Arizona State University improved its virtual and self-guided tours using StudentBridge’s VisiTOUR — highlighting what makes each of its campuses unique with accessible, engaging, and personalized tours.

Kennesaw State University
Learn how Kennesaw State University maximizes the moment of acceptance with a mobile-first approach that engages students, saves money, and drives enrollment.

Amarillo College
Learn how Amarillo College uses a fully custom online visit experience to bolster enrollment by meeting students where they are and highlighting the institution’s authentic voice.

Wayne State College
Learn how Wayne State College drives enrollment by providing an authentic view of campus using video storytelling and immersive digital experiences.

Georgia Southern University
Learn how Georgia Southern University drives yield by deploying a series of virtual events with a multitude of engaging content.

Maryville University
Learn how Maryville University bolsters enrollment with mobile-first campus tours that ensure memorable visits for everyone, everywhere, every time.