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Highlighting Campus Life is a Valuable Recruitment Strategy

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Highlighting Campus Life is a Valuable Recruitment Strategy

Campus life shapes a university student's experience and lifestyle throughout their education. "Campus life" extends far beyond the academic offerings and programs a university..

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Video Content Drives Conversions

Short of bringing students to your campus, video content is the best way to give prospective students a dynamic and rich impression of your institution. It allows viewers to..

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Improve your admissions process with mobile-first communications

Why and how to take a mobile-first approach to your admissions communications, especially when looking to attract, engage, and enroll Gen Z students.

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Stay competitive with these 3 musts for impactful virtual campus tours

With competition on the rise, virtual tours remain a valuable opportunity for students to explore your college or university. Here’s how to do them right.

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What Makes a Good Virtual Campus Tour?

Virtual tours aren't new -- companies have been experimenting with them for decades. However, it is only in recent years that they have gone mainstream and are now expected. They..

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It's Time To Replace Paper Campus Maps With Virtual College Maps

When prospective students and families prepare for an in-person, or even virtual, visit to your campus, they want to orient themselves and know where they are going...

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4 Ways to Improve Campus Life for College Students

College is an unforgettable experience. However, not all student experiences are created equal. Some students have the opportunity to enjoy their college life more than others –..

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10 Virtual Campus Event Best Practices to Follow

When executed correctly, virtual events hosted by colleges and universities have a very positive impact on prospective students. In fact, one survey indicates that 79 percent of..

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The secret to authentic and impactful tours: UGC. Here’s why.

Discover the value behind user-generated content in tours and how to tap into it.

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3 Tips for Using Athletics to Attract Prospective Students

Read Time: 3 minutes Have you ever heard of the Flutie Effect? This is the phenomenon in which a very successful season in a revenue sport (football or men's basketball) leads to..

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