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Beat the Summer Melt

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Beat the Summer Melt

Ah, summer! This is a particularly challenging time of year for admissions teams; industry officials must not only plan for fall recruitment campaigns, but also maintain..

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Campus Tours: Impact Prospects with a Personalized Experience

Summer weather is here! Of course, you know that means more prospective students will be heading to your campus for tours. For prospective students the campus tour is the second..

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How Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business Optimized their Digital Strategy to Increase Applications

Taking the next step for great admissions marketing Like many business and graduate schools, Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business had a few specific challenges keeping them..

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'Bottom of the Funnel; Top of the Mind': Marketing Funnel Considerations

The job of marketers and admissions personnel is to create the largest possible funnel of highly qualified, eager, potential students. This funnel will slowly be narrowed down..

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College Recruiting: Marketing to Parents

When you're recruiting new students to attend your college, you want to appeal to their demographic. It doesn't do you any good to hype majors that went out of style years ago or..

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5 Steps to Getting Your Virtual Campus Experience Right

When you get potential students to visit your campus, their chances of enrollment increase drastically. But what if they don't have the time, lack the money, or live too far away,..

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Matching your Video Strategy to Student Recruitment LifeCycle

When adding video to your student recruitment strategy, it's crucial to provide engaging, meaningful connections every step of the way. Developing great video content throughout..

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5 Ways to Boost Student Retention During Recruitment

There are so many institutions of higher education for students to choose from that attracting students is becoming an increasing challenge. Once students are attracted to a..

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From Interest to Enrollment: How to Keep Your Prospects' Attention

Every year, higher education marketers across the country run into the same problem: how do I get a good percentage of the students who have shown interest in my school to..

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5 Ways to Leverage Video in Your College Recruitment Strategy

Use of video is an excellent way to maximize your recruitment strategy. However, producing, developing, and implementing video are all tasks that many people are either afraid to..

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