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7 Ways To Increase Your College Admissions Conversion Rates

StudentBridge Staff November, 22, 2022
 College Admissions Conversion Rates: 7 Ways To Increase It

It's no secret that the world of higher education is increasingly competitive. To attract the best students, universities need to ensure that their admissions and enrollment teams use the most effective methods possible.

The main problem faced by universities when it comes to recruitment is that many of them rely on the things they have always done, which may not be driving desired results. Below are the seven ways colleges and universities can increase their conversion rates.

1. Try Something New

When attracting students, colleges and universities need to be strategic. It's no longer enough to rely on traditional marketing methods; you need to be proactive and try something new that speaks to the students you are trying to attract. One approach that can be effective is surveying prospective students to find out where they are in the decision-making process.

This can be done through polls on social media, for example, and can be an easy and effective way to acquire information about their needs. What you learn from these polls or surveys can then help you provide the information they are looking for in a personalized manner. Another approach is using StudentBridge's Video Viewbook to help applicants learn more about the school in an engaging and interactive way.

2. Use Many Channels

One of the most important things you can do to increase your college recruitment conversion rate is to use many channels. This means using various methods to reach potential students, such as texts, banner ads, streaming ads, and social videos. This is an opportunity to reach the largest pool of potential students, inclusive of both younger and adult students.

3. Texts To Start a Dialogue

There is truly nothing wrong with texting. However, to make texting more effective in college recruitment, it should be used to start a dialogue. From there, you can continue the conversation through other channels, such as email or social media. By doing so, you can better understand who the student is and what they're interested in. Through SMS messaging, be sure to ask questions as you would a friend. This will encourage the student to respond back and truly generate a conversation and that desired dialogue.

4. Created Targeted Ads

Creating targeted ads is a great way to increase your conversion rate because you are able to specifically target the students that you wish to reach. By targeting your ads, you are able to save money and time while also increasing the chances that your ad will be seen by the right people. You should also break down prospective students into different groups, such as geography and age so that you can create targeted ads that are even more effective.

5. Communicate Based on Student Type

When it comes to communicating with college students, it's important to keep in mind that there's no one-size-fits-all approach. For example, freshmen tend to focus on finding a school that feels like the right fit. On the other hand, transfer students may be primarily concerned with getting acclimated to a new environment. Lastly, adult students often have very different priorities, such as balancing work and family obligations with their educational goals. By considering the diverse needs of each student type, you can ensure that your communication is tailored to meet their specific needs.

6. Leverage Application Data

As an admissions counselor knows, the college application process is notoriously competitive. With so many qualified applicants vying for a limited number of spots, universities are always looking for ways to gain an edge in the admissions process and boost their admissions conversion rate. One way to do this is to leverage application data from students who have already applied.

By analyzing the data of successful applicants, colleges can identify patterns and trends that may help them predict which students are most likely to be admitted. You can also use StudentBridge's Tech Platform to collate application data so that you can use it to your advantage.

7. Prioritize Short-form Video

In the era of social media, it's more important than ever for universities to produce engaging short-form video content. Day-in-the-life videos offer a glimpse into the student experience on your campus, while how-to videos can help new students or transferees adjust to college life. Q&A videos allow your institution to answer common questions and address concerns. You could also highlight something like StudentBridge's Interactive Campus Maps as part of the short-form video to help students visualize themselves in your institution.

The Bottom Line

If you want to increase your college admissions conversion rate, make sure you're innovative about your approach. By utilizing the tips and tricks listed above, you can put yourself in a position to succeed. If you're looking for more help, you can always turn to StudentBridge.

StudentBridge can turn any recruitment process around to help you succeed. Consider the case of Georgia Southern University, where StudentBridge was able to quickly develop an immersive online event experience that launched within a few weeks. We can do the same for you!

Request a demo with StudentBridge today to get started, or contact us to learn more about how our services can increase client enrollment.

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