Meeting Enrollment Goals During COVID-19: Replacing Cancelled Events with Virtual Experiences
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Meeting Enrollment Goals During COVID-19: Replacing Cancelled Events with Virtual Experiences
As COVID-19 first became part of our daily vocabulary, we partnered with several schools in the Northeast, where quarantines took place earliest, to launch solutions in response..
4 Recruitment Tactics to Use During Application Season
There is a cold rush of excitement in the air as we power through early application season into the regular application period! The weather has changed, clocks have been set back,..
Unmasking Stealth Online Visitors
The 2019-2020 recruitment cycle is upon us as we jump into the fall semester, and high school students all across the world begin their search for the perfect college.
Filling the Seats: 5 Strategies to Improve Yield
Spring is here, the sun is starting to shine again, and you are ready to get out and take a break from all the intense recruiting you've done throughout application season. But..
Why You Need a Virtual Campus Tour to Get Students Interested in Your College
If you're having trouble recruiting students and marketing your college, a virtual college tour may help set your school on the right track.
'Bottom of the Funnel; Top of the Mind': Marketing Funnel Considerations
The job of marketers and admissions personnel is to create the largest possible funnel of highly qualified, eager, potential students. This funnel will slowly be narrowed down..
College Recruiting: Marketing to Parents
When you're recruiting new students to attend your college, you want to appeal to their demographic. It doesn't do you any good to hype majors that went out of style years ago or..
5 Steps to Getting Your Virtual Campus Experience Right
When you get potential students to visit your campus, their chances of enrollment increase drastically. But what if they don't have the time, lack the money, or live too far away,..
Matching your Video Strategy to Student Recruitment LifeCycle
When adding video to your student recruitment strategy, it's crucial to provide engaging, meaningful connections every step of the way. Developing great video content throughout..
From Interest to Enrollment: How to Keep Your Prospects' Attention
Every year, higher education marketers across the country run into the same problem: how do I get a good percentage of the students who have shown interest in my school to..