Highlighting Campus Life is a Valuable Recruitment Strategy
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Highlighting Campus Life is a Valuable Recruitment Strategy
Campus life shapes a university student's experience and lifestyle throughout their education. "Campus life" extends far beyond the academic offerings and programs a university..
Video Content Drives Conversions
Short of bringing students to your campus, video content is the best way to give prospective students a dynamic and rich impression of your institution. It allows viewers to..
10 Virtual Campus Event Best Practices to Follow
When executed correctly, virtual events hosted by colleges and universities have a very positive impact on prospective students. In fact, one survey indicates that 79 percent of..
3 Tips for Using Athletics to Attract Prospective Students
Read Time: 3 minutes Have you ever heard of the Flutie Effect? This is the phenomenon in which a very successful season in a revenue sport (football or men's basketball) leads to..
Why Virtual Events are Here to Stay
Many colleges and universities may be thinking that virtual events were a quick fix during the pandemic. Now that in-person events are happening again, won't the virtual ones..
Showcasing Authentic Student Voices Through Video
What is so special about your school? About your campus? What immediately comes to mind. For most colleges, there is a special something. That feeling brings emotion to the space...
5 Reasons Why You Need a Virtual Campus Tour
A lot has changed in the world of college recruitment in the last 15 years. Gone are the days where prospective students learned about your school through snail mail brochures and..
The Importance of Virtual Campus Experiences
Your school's website is the central hub for information that prospective students and their parents rely on to learn about your school. On your website, you may have a lot of..
A look ahead: Trends in 2022-2023 higher education admissions
3 admissions trends your institution should prepare for — and how
A Guide to Virtual College Campus Tours
Before students enroll at your university, they want to have a clear picture of what to expect and what it feels like to be a student on your campus. But, over the last decade,..