6 ideas for institutions to tap into powerful student-generated content
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6 ideas for institutions to tap into powerful student-generated content
Gathering user-generated content (UGC) in higher education is easier than you might think. Here are 6 easy strategies for empowering students to share their experiences.
A Guide to Virtual College Campus Tours
Before students enroll at your university, they want to have a clear picture of what to expect and what it feels like to be a student on your campus. But, over the last decade,..
Customization vs. Personalization: What's the Difference?
When it comes to marketing in higher education, you're always trying to reach a diverse population of potential students. You want to be able to showcase your school to attract..
10 Must-Haves for Making Compelling Video for College Tours
Video content remains the best way to connect with Gen-Z audiences in 2021, but how institutions use video to influence these digital natives can have greater implications on..
Viral Viewing: Top 5 Most-Watched Campus Videos
Thinking about updating your video content? Now is a great time, because in 2021 94% of high school juniors used YouTube during their college search process to learn more..
7 Ways to Break Through the Marketing Clutter and Differentiate Your School In a Crowded Online World
The global pandemic has exacerbated online overcrowding, forcing colleges and universities to come up with new and innovative ways to capture the attention of their target..
10 Things You Need In Your Online Presence To Fill Your Enrollment Funnel
54% of survey respondents said a college's Website was very or extremely important in their decision about whether to apply to that college.1 And, with rising seniors unable to..
4 Secrets of a Successful Virtual College Campus Tour
Students are going online to virtually "visit" more schools than ever before, yet according to an informal poll, 74% of colleges still have a lot of work to do to improve their..
Keeping Your Cool While Managing Summer Melt
One might consider being accepted into college as a rite of passage, that paramount moment marking the evolution from adolescence into adulthood. It is truly a thought-provoking..
Amid COVID-19, Small Schools Jump On Big Opportunities
Colleges and universities around the globe are being faced with widespread challenges in the wake of campus closures and an uncertain fall semester due to impacts of COVID-19...