Virtual Learning Session
Unlock campus visits that
In this on-demand virtual learning session, discover actionable strategies to convert more campus visitors — before, during, and after the tour.

Learning Session
Hello Better Tours, Goodbye Enrollment Blues
7 proven strategies for campus visits that attract more, amaze more, and achieve more.
Tours play a powerful role in getting students to apply and enroll in your institution. But the reality is yours may not be doing enough to get students to take action.
Especially when you consider the increased competition for a smaller pool of college-bound students.
Watch this on-demand virtual learning session to discover how to get more out of your campus visits.
You'll learn:
The ever-increasing importance of tours, especially amid rising competition
7 strategies to get more out of your guided, virtual, and self-guided tours
How other colleges and universities of all sizes are using tours to stand out, sustain interest, and drive measurable results
Actionable ideas for improving tours without bogging down your staff or draining your resources
The power of personalization and how to leverage it throughout the visit experience
Data, insights, and tips for taking meaningful action right away
And more!