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How To Design Beautiful Digital College Recruitment Materials That Increase Enrollment | StudentBridge

Written by StudentBridge Staff | November, 19, 2022

In the current climate, businesses must find ways to move their operations online. Digitalization has become a priority for 87% of senior business leaders and 89% of all companies that have either already implemented or are currently planning a digital-first business strategy. For colleges and universities, these changes mean finding new ways to recruit students.

If you're wondering how to design beautiful digital college recruitment materials that increase enrollment, StudentBridge believes there's no one-size-fits-all answer. However, some key elements should be included in all successful designs:

1. Interactive

In the new normal, virtual is here to stay. The challenge lies in allowing prospective students to envision themselves on your campus without even setting foot on it. It means interactive features are critical to increasing your enrollment.

Including interactive elements in your design will give potential students a taste of what it's like to attend your school. Giving them the option to visit you virtually is a way of telling them they're welcome on your campus, wherever they may be in the world.

Use Campus Maps

At StudentBridge, we help colleges and universities welcome potential students with Interactive College Maps & 3D Campus Tours. With a campus map, potential students and their families can explore your school's facilities, including residence halls and academic buildings.

Visitors can see what it would be like to walk through your campus. However, it's not just about showing off your campus. We can highlight key locations on your campus map and include information about your school's history.

The tool has helped many universities, including the private liberal arts school Augsburg University in Minneapolis. The university sees 3,500 average monthly visitors, with 1/3 of all visitors returning for higher-than-average time on site. These numbers show that you can reach more potential students by making your college recruitment materials interactive.

2. Engaging

Effective digital recruitment materials are engaging. This element is about telling your story and creating an emotional connection with your audience. Your story should be about more than just the facts of your school. It should be about what sets your school apart and why someone should want to attend.

Use Video Viewbook

A viewbook is a great way to tell your story and engage with potential students. StudentBridge's fully-customizable Video Viewbook helps colleges and universities create beautiful digital viewbooks that tell their unique story. We highlight the features that make your school unique and create a design that reflects your school's brand.

Use Virtual Events

The rise of virtual events has been a game-changer for college recruitment. With StudentBridge's Virtual Events solution, you can host engaging and informative virtual events that reach potential students anywhere in the world. It's an excellent way to connect with students who may not be able to visit your campus in person. The tool guarantees them that no distance can stand in the course of their education.

3. Promotes Action or Conversion

With interactive and engaging college recruitment materials, you're more likely to prompt potential students into taking action. The final element of effective digital college recruitment materials is a call to action or conversion. When you let them know what you want them to do and have the tools to support it, you're more likely to see an increase in applications.

The StudentBridge Tech Platform supports colleges and universities by using engagement and turning user data into results. We increase applications and yield rates while reducing your cost per applicant. The focus is getting potential students to visit your website and take action, which is enrolling in your school.

Bridging Students and Colleges Through Digital Recruitment Materials

Your potential students are at the heart of your design. Everything you create should provide value to them. At StudentBridge, we design digital college recruitment materials that focus on the student experience, keeping an eye on the overall goal of increasing enrollment.

Our solutions are tailored to your needs so you get the most out of our services. When you're ready to take your college recruitment to the next level, we're here to help.

Learn more about our digital college recruitment solutions and how we can support you in achieving your enrollment goals.