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How to Tell the Story of Your College in a Way That Increases Student Enrollment | StudentBridge

Written by StudentBridge Staff | November, 24, 2022

A college is more than an educational institution. It's a brand. Boosting enrollment means telling the story of your brand. It's one of the best methods of marketing your college to prospective students.

Anyone viewing your website could decide to go to your school because of the story you tell. You draw your readers in and speak to their emotions. They will learn about the programs you offer and why your college is suited to their needs.

When people research schools, they look for places where they can picture themselves living and learning daily. Storytelling is essential to target marketing to create a more personalized digital experience.

Below are tips you can use to increase student enrollment at your college with an informative and engaging story.

1. Communicate Your Message Clearly

When someone adds your college to their list of potential schools, your website will be a fundamental tool in their decision-making process. College websites must be informative and communicate the message you want to portray clearly.

You should consider these six core pages for your website:

  • Homepage with your most important message to prospective students and various guides they can use to find the information they need
  • About Us page so readers can review information about your institution and core values
  • Academics page outlining the programs offered to students and career paths they can lead to
  • Faculty and Staff page with details about each person and what they contribute to the college
  • Admissions page featuring links prospective students can use to apply
  • Contact page for getting in touch with the institution or specific staff members

Since your website is one of the first things your audience sees, highlighting the strengths of your college and the features you offer is crucial. The structure should be easy to navigate and include content the reader wants to know. Think about the questions prospective students might have and provide the answers.

With StudentBridge's Video Viewbook, you can tell the story of your college, students, and faculty with an immersive digital experience.

2. Choose a Beautiful Design with Interactive Features

Confusing, slow, and cluttered websites can deter someone from applying to your college. They want instant access to information to decide whether your school is right for them. You should focus on designing your website to attract readers and keep them interested as they browse each page.

Although you want prospective students to obtain all the necessary details with one click, too much content on a page is distracting and overwhelming. Only include essential information on the main page, such as programs and campus life. Incorporate navigational elements to direct the readers to other pages if they want to learn more about the main topics.

You can eliminate pages of text and get your point across by providing crisp and relevant videos and images. You should include interactive materials so prospective students can understand what it would be like to attend your college. StudentBridge can create an Interactive College Map to highlight the selling points of your college.

3. Provide Opportunities for Continued Engagement

Connecting with your students wherever they are is critical. You can utilize multiple social media platforms to engage with your readers. Determine the platforms your target audience uses the most, such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Post regularly and respond to inquiries and comments to keep them interested in the topics you discuss.

Besides social media, you should take advantage of other features to further your marketing efforts. Although in-person events are beneficial, not everyone can attend them. You can increase attendance and participation with StudentBridge's Virtual Events. Prospective students can engage with others online without distractions.

4. Use Data to Maintain Interest

Understanding what drives prospective students to enroll in your college can improve your marketing strategy. Data gives you an insight into a student's online behaviors and interests. You can also establish the factors contributing to someone's decision to enroll.

You can optimize your website with StudentBridge's Tech Platform to incorporate data into every stage of the funnel:

Increase Student Enrollment with Effective Storytelling

StudentBridge is a leader in digital engagement solutions for colleges. With over 20 years of experience, our team can help you create virtual experiences that convert prospective students into applicants.

Call us at (678) 824-8181 or contact us online today to get started on your new marketing strategy.