StudentBridge Blog

The dos and don’ts for an impactful acceptance moment

Written by StudentBridge Staff | May, 4, 2022

Our infographic reveals 7 things you can do to ace the student acceptance process (and 7 things you shouldn’t)

Two little words that carry a lot of weight: You’re in. A moment worth celebrating and sharing for students — and a moment worth getting right for institutions. Especially when you consider the increased competition for fewer college-bound students.

But what exactly does getting this moment right look like? A question many institutions have yet may not know the answer to. 

That’s where we can help. At StudentBridge, we empower institutions to better inspire, inform, and support students throughout their higher education journeys — from their initial interest in an institution to touring and getting accepted all the way through to graduation and beyond. 

While all of those are critical points in the student lifecycle, one of the most important during a time of increased competition (particularly for those already struggling with enrollment) is that moment of acceptance.  

Why? Because not every accepted student will become an enrolled student. 

Fortunately, your institution can boost enrollment and matriculation by ensuring these BIG moments are backed by proven best practices — and that they avoid the bad ones that can unintentionally drive students away. 

We discuss both below, providing guidance on what your institution should and shouldn’t do to make the most of this pivotal moment.


1. Leverage mobile-first communications

The best place to reach students? Where they are … on their phones! In fact, 96 percent of Gen Z owns a smartphone — the college-bound generation that has taken over campuses en masse. And by using outbound texting, you can ensure the good news is received faster: 98 percent of SMS messages get opened, and more than half (58.7%) of people check texts within five minutes of receiving them

While there’s nothing wrong with popping the infamous, “Congratulations!” letter in the mail, students aren’t carrying their mailbox in their pocket. But they are likely carrying a smartphone, so be sure to also send the big announcement where it counts most.


Beyond acceptance: How to increase enrollment with effective communications



2. Amplify the celebration via social media

Getting accepted into a college or university is a cause for celebration. Creating a way for your accepted students to share the news with friends and family across social media platforms — including Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook — demonstrates that you share in the excitement. It also provides a valuable opportunity to expand your institution’s reach, especially through easy-to-share branded filters and effects. In this way, the moment of acceptance can transcend the confines of a ripped envelope. It can be shared over and over by social media users, giving the accepted student — and your institution — the recognition it deserves.


Looking to enhance your acceptance experience for Gen Z? Leverage TikTok. Here’s why and how.



3. Gather parent contact details to share relevant information

More than 60 percent of students reported their parents were the most important influencer in their enrollment decision. However, there seems to be a common misstep by institutions when it comes to ensuring parents of accepted students are kept in the loop. Of the 80 percent of parents who reported they are very involved in the college planning process, only half said they received communication. This presents a critical opportunity for your institution to set itself apart. Gather parent contact details to regularly provide relevant information throughout the process, like next steps, deadlines, and upcoming events. Engagement efforts shouldn’t end with students — they should also target parents and other supporters who play key roles in the decision-making process.


How to engage families of admitted students



4. Track key metrics and insights

Taps, shares, opens, lens usage … it can all be tracked and provide key insights on where your accepted students are in the process. Are they engaging less? Perhaps cooling off and needing some encouragement? Maybe you’ve done some pulse surveys that let you know who is planning to commit versus who is waiting to learn about financial aid opportunities? These metrics (and more) can help you determine when to reach out and how to further personalize follow-up communications. And beyond specific student cases, you can use your collective data to improve the overall acceptance process — a valuable opportunity for your institution to drive future enrollment.

These strategies are covered in our recent infographic, which also outlines three more ideas to enhance the moment of acceptance (as well as three more to avoid). It’s a great way to assess whether your institution is making the most of this pivotal moment or if it could be doing more to boost enrollment and matriculation.


Want to learn more about how to create an engaging moment of acceptance that drives results? Download your free copy of the full Dos and Don’ts infographic.


Ready to start improving your acceptance process today? Our Accepted Student Experience can help with the above strategies and more. Sign up for a free, no-obligation demo to find out what it can do for your institution.