Overview of tour data collected
A few highlights of the tour data you will receive:
- Sent every week via email
- We recommend a weekly cadence to allow your data to develop and show any changes over a small amount of time
- The email will include both a PDF snapshot of your tour data at that point in time as well as a CSV breakdown of each widget on the dashboard
- Forward and share this email with colleagues or stakeholders on campus
- The desired frequency
- The names and emails that should be removed or added
Tour Data Glossary

Widget Name
Total Tours
Total number of tours accessed by end users
Tour History
Time stamp for when the first tour and most recent tour was accessed by an end user. Also tracks the number of months since tours have been live and available for an institution
Tours on Web
Number of tours that have been accessed using a web browser
Tours on Android
Number of tours that have been accessed from the Full Measure Tours Android App
Tours on iOS
Number of tours that have been accessed from the Full Measure Tours iOS App
Average tours per day
Average number of tours that have been accessed daily
Average tours per week
Average number of tours that have been accessed every 7 days
Average tours per month
Average number of tours that have been accessed every 30 days
All Time Tour Counts
A heat map showing the number of tours accessed per month with X axis representing the Month/year (ex. April 2021), and Y-axis representing number of tours
Types of Tours Taken
A breakdown of how many curated (pre-built) tours have been accessed and how many custom (personalized) tours have been generated
Inquiry Form Submissions
A breakdown of how many inquiry form submissions have been completed for both curated tours and custom tours
Inquiry Form Completion Rate
A breakdown of an institution’s inquiry form completion rate for pre-built tours and custom tours. Calculated by dividing the number of inquiry forms completed by the number of tours generated
Prebuilt Tour Breakdown
A breakdown of how many times each curated tour was accessed by end users
Average Number of Tags Selected
Shows the average number of tags selected by end users who take a personalized tour
Users Who Took Multiple Tours
Shows the percentage of students who chose to take more than one tour during the same session
Tags Frequency
Shows the frequency of Tags that were selected by end users who took a personalized tour
Combination of Tags
Shows the frequency that a particular combination of Tags were selected by end users who took a personalized tour
Inquiry Forms Completed
Lists out email, first name, last name, date of birth, matriculation year, tour type, and tour title OR tags selected of a student who completed an inquiry form. **Birth date and Matriculation Year are only presented for students who select “Prospective Student” as their affiliation
Complete Tour Data
Lists out timestamp of when the tour was accessed, type of tour taken, and tour title OR tags selected (if tags display, it was a personalized tour, if tour name displays, it was a curated tour)
Inquiry Form Submission
When taking a tour, visitors are asked to submit an inquiry form with a variety of information such as their name, email, and visitor type. It is a best practice to follow up with the individuals who submit an inquiry form to continue the conversation and drive next steps. If a form is submitted and the visitor also takes a personalized tour, you'll have access to their selected tags as well.
View your submitted inquiry forms in the weekly tour engagement emails you receive. Additionally, you may request a writeback of these forms; a writeback is a great way to join the tour data with your existing data system.
To request your inquiry forms to be accessible via sFTP, please submit this writeback form and contact your CSM.